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Category Archives: Criminal Defense


Florida May Consider “Hope Card” Program

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

When a victim of domestic violence obtains an injunction (a DVI) against their abuser, it is with the intent that the injunction be read and honored – however, there are situations in which a physical copy of an injunction can be too long and cumbersome to keep on hand, and the DVI must be… Read More »

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“Gabby Petito Act” Proposed In Florida Senate

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

It is a sad truism that many victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) pay the ultimate price, often because the system simply fails them. The 2021 murder of Gabby Petito caused awareness of this issue to rise, but very little changed in the legal system. In early December 2023, two Florida legislators used the… Read More »

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Do You Have A Domestic Violence Injunction Against You?

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

Domestic violence is seen as a very serious offense in Florida, and if someone has been the victim of a domestic violence incident, the legal system is set up to protect them in the shape of an injunction – also known as a restraining order. Long-term injunctions are only granted after hearings, where both… Read More »

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Domestic Violence Charges & Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” Law

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

Florida is one of the states that has what is known as a “Stand Your Ground” law, which is intended to clarify the situations in which a person can use force in self-defense. However, there are still questions surrounding its use in specific situations, particularly in cases where domestic violence is a factor. If… Read More »

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Is Character Evidence Admissible In Domestic Violence Cases?

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

Domestic violence is considered a serious crime in Florida, as it should be. While defendants accused of domestic violence offenses have the same rights as anyone else, there are some slight variations that can be an unpleasant surprise to someone who is unaware. One of the main ways domestic violence cases differ from other… Read More »

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Do Other Types Of Abuse Count As Domestic Violence?

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

More and more, society is moving away from a definition of domestic violence that includes only physical abuse. Doctors and scientists are gradually beginning to realize that intimate partner violence is primarily about control, and control can be exerted in multiple different ways, from emotional to financial. However, many state legislatures are proving slow… Read More »

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How Do I Defend Against Domestic Violence Charges?

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

Being charged with domestic violence in Florida can change a person’s life, even if they are not convicted. If you are in this situation, it is understandable that you may be nervous or even panicked. However, Florida does recognize defenses to domestic violence, and with sufficient evidence, it can be enough to get you… Read More »

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How Much Jail Time Will I Get If Convicted Of Domestic Violence?

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

Domestic violence is a serious offense that can result in significant consequences. However, Florida law on the subject is confusing; the way the relevant statute is worded, it may appear as though no jail time is required upon conviction. In reality, almost everyone convicted of a crime of domestic violence will serve time behind… Read More »

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Why Can’t My Alleged Victim Drop Domestic Violence Charges?

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

Domestic violence cases often get started when a well-meaning neighbor or family member calls police over an argument that may not warrant a law enforcement presence. If this has happened to you, and you have been charged with domestic violence in Florida, it is understandable to be concerned. It may occur to you to… Read More »

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Supreme Court Hearing Case That May Affect Florida Domestic Violence Victims

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

In 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n v Bruen which established that governing authorities have no discretion in issuing gun permits; in other words, that the 1911 Sullivan Act granting authorities partial discretion in assessing an individual’s reasons for carrying a firearm was… Read More »

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