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Category Archives: Domestic Violence


How Can Domestic Violence Affect Divorce?

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

Divorce is never easy, but when domestic violence is a factor, things can get infinitely more complex. Discussions of child visitation and custody are immediately made minefields if a parent has been convicted of a crime of domestic violence, and it can cause major problems for that parent in terms of establishing that they… Read More »

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Legal & Practical Consequences Of A Domestic Violence Conviction

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

Domestic violence is a serious crime that is treated as appropriately serious by Florida authorities. The state does not have one specific cause of action referred to as ‘domestic violence;’ rather, it is treated as an umbrella under which several crimes fit. If a person is convicted of a crime of domestic violence, there… Read More »

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Can You Face Federal Charges For Domestic Violence?

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

Domestic violence is generally an intimate offense, involving family or household members (at least in Florida) and perpetrated by someone sharing some kind of relationship with their victim. However, there are rare instances in which a domestic violence-related offense can be charged under federal law. More often than not, a federal conviction means a… Read More »

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“Gabby Petito Act” Proposed In Florida Senate

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

It is a sad truism that many victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) pay the ultimate price, often because the system simply fails them. The 2021 murder of Gabby Petito caused awareness of this issue to rise, but very little changed in the legal system. In early December 2023, two Florida legislators used the… Read More »

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Domestic Violence Charges & Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” Law

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

Florida is one of the states that has what is known as a “Stand Your Ground” law, which is intended to clarify the situations in which a person can use force in self-defense. However, there are still questions surrounding its use in specific situations, particularly in cases where domestic violence is a factor. If… Read More »

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Holiday Spike In Domestic Violence Smaller Than Average

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

The holiday season is meant to be a happy time, but unfortunately, it winds up tragic for some families. Rates of domestic violence tend to spike during the December holidays, for a variety of reasons; however, as of this writing, 2023’s holidays appear to have passed more smoothly. Florida prosecutes these offenses aggressively, though,… Read More »

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October Was Domestic Violence Awareness Month

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the United States, and in 2023, the statistics for domestic abuse have sadly been elevated. The Orange County Sheriff’s Office in Central Florida reports around 3,500 domestic abuse calls placed to them, with roughly 95 percent of them resulting in an arrest. Shelters have reported higher numbers… Read More »

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Does Domestic Violence Have To Be Physical?

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

When discussing domestic violence, it is crucial to remember that there are multiple different types – physical, emotional, verbal, and financial are among the most commonly seen. However, most crimes of domestic violence are physical in nature. If you have been abused by a partner or other loved one, but not in a physical… Read More »

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Domestic Violence & Due Process

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

Domestic violence is a serious crime that leaves its mark on victims. However, those charged with committing such offenses are still entitled to due process and a fair trial. If you have been charged with a crime of domestic violence, know that you have rights that cannot be taken away, and you have the… Read More »

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Different Possible Defenses To Charges Of Domestic Violence

By Perlet & Shiner, P.A. |

Florida law treats domestic violence as a serious offense, and if you are facing charges, it is crucial that you understand the potential consequences. That said, defenses to this charge do exist, and depending on the facts of your particular situation, you and your attorney may be able to assert one or more of… Read More »

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